Kenai River Run Expectations!

Kenai River map

This Year’s Salmon Run is “ON” the Hook!
This year, the Kenai is expecting a sockeye run at over 3.5 million escapements. That is a 20 year high! Want to get in on this action?

There are two different times to catch the Sockeye Salmon (also known as Red Salmon); those times are the May-August, with the May-June being the early run and July-August being a late run. The biggest sockeyes are known to come mid-June through late July, so if size is important (more to take home!), you better book quick, as that is also our busiest time frame.

King salmon run this same time frame, starting and ending a little earlier in Mid- May to late July.

If you didn’t know, the Kenai River is a glacial stream that drains from the Central Kenai Peninsula. Kenai Lake narrows into the nearby Kenai River community of Cooper Landing.

Overall, there are nearly 18 miles of Kenai River, which amounts to almost 50 miles of water including streams & lakes. Along with this mileage, there are several areas your guide may take you.

man in hip waders holding fish in front of boat